Since Europeans stepped onto North American soil, our native apex predators have been feared, misunderstood, hunted, trapped and exterminated. Today, native carnivores continue to be marginalized, displaced and persecuted in their homeland. Project Coyote’s programs are aimed at shifting negative attitudes toward coyotes, wolves and other maligned predators by replacing ignorance and fear with understanding, respect and appreciation. We use all of the tools in the toolbox: education, legislation, lobbying, grassroots mobilization, science and multi-media outreach — and when necessary, we also use the courts. We have six core programs (download a PDF description here):
More than 100,000 predators are killed each year by the U.S Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services agency. Most of this killing is carried out in the name of “livestock protection” despite scientific evidence suggesting that this approach is misguided and ultimately ineffective.
Developing Urban and Rural Coexistence Ecosystems
As coyotes expand their range and urban sprawl encroaches into wildlife habitat, human-coyote interactions are on the rise with conflicts resulting when uninformed people intentionally or unintentionally feed wild animals or otherwise encourage a lack of fear of humans.
Creating a New Conservation Science based on Compassion, Coexistence and Consilience
Because carnivores have been controversial since Europeans first colonized our continent, a new conservation science is needed—one that is built on rock-solid science that is standardized, transparent, repeatable and defensible but that also integrates ethics and animal welfare.
“Keeping It Wild” educates young people about predators and coexistence to foster respect and compassion for wildlife while contributing to their environmental and scientific literacy, giving students what they need to effect positive change and, to become future leaders.
Through Artists for Wild Nature, Project Coyote partners with artists to raise awareness of and appreciation for coyotes, wolves and other keystone predators, including their role in sustaining healthy and resilient ecosystems.