
Ranching with Predators


Above Photo: Foxlight testing at Barboni Ranch by © Caroline Kraus

Project Coyote and the Snow Leopard Conservancy have joined forces to test predator deterrent methods for livestock protection including disruptive stimuli-based deterrents such as Foxlights.

These products have shown promise across the globe in protecting livestock and crops from species ranging from Snow Leopards in Nepal to Elephants in India.

We have begun testing these and other new and innovative non-lethal devices in Northern California to protect livestock from coyotes, mountain lions and other predators.

There is no cost to the rancher (although we can sell them at cost to interested ranchers following our agreed to test period). We provide all equipment and help place the lights in areas where they will be most effective. These lights are easy to install on T-Posts or even trees, depending on their location. They are also easy to move (to minimize habituation) and to take down. They do not disturb livestock or pets, but the lights may be intrusive if placed too close to homes. We may also install camera traps to monitor any predators that may visit or be in area.

Ideal test sites:

  • Are currently experiencing livestock losses from predators;
  • Have corrals or smaller pastures to contain livestock at night;
  • Have little ambient light in areas where lights will be installed.

Testing runs through lambing or calving season, or generally two or three months depending on the test site. Ranchers are only required to keep basic notes recording any predator activity noticed during the testing period. We only need to enter property during set up, and again at the end of testing to retrieve equipment (lights may need to be moved during testing period to minimize the chances of habituation).

For more information about our testing, or to speak to someone about becoming a test site please contact:
Keli Hendricks — Ranching with Predators Coordinator, Project Coyote darbyhendricks@yahoo.com

Download the factsheet PC-SLC-Factsheet-Ranching-with-Predators.


Posted on

March 27, 2015