by Project Coyote | Oct 24, 2021
COYOTE HAZING FIELD GUIDE Keeping coyotes wild and wary is the key to successful coexistence. This full-color brochure teaches you about “hazing”, a powerful tool for keeping coyotes at a distance by reinforcing the coyote’s natural wariness of people. Discover what...
by Project Coyote | Oct 24, 2021
DOGS AND COYOTES FACTSHEET Coyotes are common in urban areas. Understanding canine behavior and modifying our own behavior is essential to peaceful coexistence with our wild neighbors. BACK TO ALL...
by Project Coyote | Dec 6, 2016
Above Photo: Coyote pups by Danny Barron, (CC BY NC ND) The three coyotes sleeping in the sun on a hillside behind a canopy of trees in Larkspur didn’t even flinch when Monte Deignan stepped forward with his binoculars this past week to monitor the neighborhood pack....
by Project Coyote | May 22, 2016
Dear Interested Person or Party: The following is a scientific opinion letter requested by Camilla Fox, Executive Director of Project Coyote. This letter outlines a response to the general question “What effect does reduction of coyotes (older than 6 months)...
by Project Coyote | May 20, 2016
Why Killing Coyotes is Counterproductive. Killing coyotes that are NOT causing problems can cause problems. Coyotes and other carnivores prey on species like rabbits and mice that compete with livestock for forage. These wild herbivores are robustly prolific and...