MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD. There are many ways to take action on behalf of wildlife. You can submit comments, write letters or join us at a hearing. To learn more about what to expect at hearings, and to hear what other supporters of wildlife have to say, view our videos. Bookmark or visit this page regularly. You can also join Project Coyote’s E-Team to receive breaking email alerts for actions you can take to protect our native carnivores.
Support Federal Legislation to End Cruel Predator Poisons!
We need your help. Every year, millions of taxpayer dollars are spent on lethal animal control. In 2018, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services (“WS”) program killed 2.65 million animals – among them, thousands of non-target animals including imperiled wildlife and beloved companion animals. One particularly cruel method WS uses is poison, which can cause agonizing, slow deaths for the unlucky animals who happen upon any of a variety of poison-laced traps or bait. These poisons are also ineffective, expensive, and obsolete.
ACT NOW to End the Fur Trade & Bobcat Trophy Hunting in CA ~ One Final Hurdle!
Earlier this month—thanks to your support—Governor Newsom signed AB 273 into law, making California the first state in the nation to ban commercial and recreational fur trapping! This momentous law will spare countless wild animals from the unnecessary fur trade. Now we need your help to pass two more critical bills that will protect California’s wild animals from cruel and pointless suffering and death.
ACT NOW ~ Help make New Mexico’s public lands trap free!
As a result of public outcry against cruel and indiscriminate traps, the New Mexico State Game Commission undertook a review of the state’s trapping laws and is now proposing a set of changes. However, the Trap Free New Mexico coalition, of which Project Coyote is a part, believes that these changes largely cater to special interest trapping groups and fall far short of addressing the public’s concerns about trapping. Last year, at least two dogs were killed and a number of others injured, while countless thousands of wild animals were trapped and skinned for their fur.
ACT NOW to end CA fur trade & bobcat trophy hunting!
Good news: Thanks to your support, Gov. Newsom signed AB 273 into law on September 4! With this historic victory, California becomes the first state to prohibit all commercial and recreational trapping of fur-bearing and nongame mammals. Now, we need your help to pass...
ACT NOW ~ Final Hurdles to Ban Fur, Trapping & Bobcat Trophy Hunting in CA!
We are nearing the finish line for three pieces of legislation that will protect wild animals – including bobcats, coyotes, and foxes – from inhumane and pointless suffering and death in California. Thanks to you, AB 273 – the bill to ban all commercial and recreational trapping of fur-bearing and nongame mammals – passed the state legislature and is now on Governor Newsom’s desk awaiting his signature! Additionally, the bills to ban trophy hunting of bobcats (AB 1254) and the fur trade (AB 44) are making their way through the legislature and have a hearing in Senate Appropriations this Friday. All three bills still need your urgent support.
Voice Your Opposition to Cruel Trapping This Thursday in Santa Fe!
Thousands of wild animals and pets fall victim to senseless pain and suffering caused by traps in New Mexico. The New Mexico Department of Fish & Game (NMDFG) is recommending changes to the state’s trapping rules – but these changes will fail to protect people, pets and wildlife from cruel and indiscriminate traps.
ACT NOW to help pass three California wildlife protection bills!
On August 12th, the Senate Appropriations Committee will hear three bills that are crucial to protecting California’s wild animals from senseless cruelty and death.
ACT NOW to End Lethal Control of Wildlife In Mendocino County!
For decades, USDA Wildlife Services (“Wildlife Services”) government agents trapped, shot, and killed hundreds of bears, bobcats, coyotes, foxes, mountain lions and other wildlife in Mendocino – and inadvertently killed non-target species, including imperiled wildlife and beloved pets, in the process. The County used taxpayer dollars to pay for their lethal wildlife management program, often on behalf of commercial agricultural interests.
UPDATE! ACT NOW to Protect Bobcats, Coyotes & Other Animals in California
Thanks to you, legislation to ban the trophy hunting of bobcats (AB 1254); the use of deadly rodenticides (AB 1788); and the selling, giving or manufacturing of new fur products (AB 44) in California is moving through the state legislature. These bills – which would end the cruel and senseless killing of wildlife – are now up for a hearing in two senate committees.
ACT NOW to Protect Bobcats, Coyotes & Other Animals in California
Thanks to you, legislation to ban the trophy hunting of bobcats (AB 1254); the use of deadly rodenticides (AB 1788); and the selling, giving or manufacturing of new fur products (AB 44) in California is moving through the state legislature. These bills – which would end the cruel and senseless killing of wildlife – are now up for a hearing in two senate committees.
Final Stretch ~ Bill to Ban Fur Trapping Up for Vote in CA Senate!
Exciting news: thanks to your support, AB 273, the bill to ban all commercial and recreational trapping of fur-bearing and nongame mammals, including coyotes and foxes, is up for a vote in the State Senate. Passage in the Senate is the last step to ban this cruel and senseless practice in California before it goes to the governor’s desk for signature. You helped us get a ban imposed on commercial and recreational bobcat trapping in California in 2015—now let’s extend that ban to the other animals who suffer as a result of the fur trade.
Stop Extinction Day of Action for Gray Wolves!
Today, my father Dr. Michael W. Fox is traveling to Brainerd, Minnesota, to join hundreds of other wolf advocates to testify on behalf of Project Coyote before the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) in opposition to the Trump Administration’s proposal to strip all remaining federal protections for wolves across the lower 48 states (except for Mexican wolves in the Southwest). As a veterinarian, canid ethologist, bioethicist and author of more than 40 books – including The Soul of the Wolf – my father will speak to the many values of wolves.