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New York Residents: Help Ban Wildlife Killing Contests Statewide!

New York Residents: Help Ban Wildlife Killing Contests Statewide!

Every year, cruel and ecologically destructive wildlife killing contests are held throughout New York. These contests violate science-based wildlife management principles, promote the indiscriminate killing of wildlife, and award cash and other prizes to the individuals who kill the most, largest or even smallest animals. Luckily, Assemblymember Glick and Senator Kennedy introduced A2917/S4099 to prohibit these contests statewide.

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Protect wolves in Wisconsin!

Protect wolves in Wisconsin!

Protect wolves in Wisconsin! Submit comments before February 28th to demand a Draft Wolf Management Plan focused on wolf protections (All American citizens encouraged to comment) Last November, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) released their Draft...

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