MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD. There are many ways to take action on behalf of wildlife. You can submit comments, write letters or join us at a hearing. To learn more about what to expect at hearings, and to hear what other supporters of wildlife have to say, view our videos. Bookmark or visit this page regularly. You can also join Project Coyote’s E-Team to receive breaking email alerts for actions you can take to protect our native carnivores.
End Black Bear Trophy Hunting in California
The situation for black bears in California is dire. Speak up against increased opportunities to kill black bears by January 27!
Tell Colorado Legislators to Protect Wild Cats!
Colorado legislators introduced Senate Bill 31 last week to end trophy hunting of mountain lions, bobcats and endangered Canada lynx. However, the trophy hunting lobby is flooding legislators with opposition to this groundbreaking legislation.
North Carolina Residents: Prevent Hunting On Bear Sanctuaries!
North Carolina’s black bears need your voice. The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) is proposing to open three of the state’s bear sanctuaries to permitted bear hunts.
Mexican Wolves Need Your Help!
Speak up for lobos before Jan 27th: the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) needs to hear from you about its revisions to the 2015 Mexican gray wolf 10(j) Management Rule.
Oppose Martha Williams’ Nomination To Lead The USFWS
President Biden’s nominee for the Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) position, Martha Williams, is unqualified. Urge your senators to oppose Williams’ nomination and instead support a viable and qualified candidate.
Florida’s Wildlife Need Your Help!
Mendocino County Seeking Proposals for Wildlife Exclusionary Services Contractor
Mendocino County has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) to find vendors for wildlife exclusionary services, coexistence practice focused on preventing entry of wildlife into places where they can come into conflict with people.
NV Residents ~ Help Us Ban Wildlife Killing Contests & Bear Hounding!
NV Residents ~ Help Us Ban Wildlife Killing Contests & Bear Hounding! On Saturday, March 20, 2021, the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners will discuss wildlife killing contests and may provide direction to the Nevada Department of Wildlife to consider...
Action Alert: Write A Letter For Wolves
Since their removal from the Endangered Species Act, wolves have had to deal with state-sponsored persecution. Can you help raise public outcry about massacre by writing a Letter to the Editor (LTE) to your local newspaper?
Action Alert: Two Urgent Actions To Protect Wolves
Wolves are under threat, day and night, across their range. As part of our campaign to Protect America’s Wolves, we want to alert you to two actions you can take today that will have a huge impact on federal-level U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) decisions about wolves.
Help Ban Wildlife Killing Contests in Nevada!
Help Ban Wildlife Killing Contests in Nevada! The Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners (NBWC) will soon hold a workshop to discuss the language in Commission General Regulation 503, which would ban wildlife killing contests in the state of Nevada. Urge the Nevada...
Support a Resolution to Ban Wildlife Killing Contests in Reno, Nevada!
The Reno City Council will discuss a resolution supporting a ban on wildlife killing contests at the September 8, 2021 City Council meeting.