MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD. There are many ways to take action on behalf of wildlife. You can submit comments, write letters or join us at a hearing. To learn more about what to expect at hearings, and to hear what other supporters of wildlife have to say, view our videos. Bookmark or visit this page regularly. You can also join Project Coyote’s E-Team to receive breaking email alerts for actions you can take to protect our native carnivores.
Mendocino County’s Wildlife Needs You!
Urge the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors to End their Contract with Wildlife Services
Carnivores Need Your Help Today!
We have only days left to fund the new Carnivore Conservation Program designed to stand in the path of ruthless killing contests and wolf eradication campaigns raging in multiple states.
Let’s Ban Trapping in NV! Join us for a free webinar Aug. 18
Join Project Coyote, WildEarth Guardians, HSUS and fellow advocates for a free webinar August 18, 2021 at 6pm PT on wildlife trapping in Nevada.
Wolf Slaughter Continues ~ Speak Out NOW!
The war on wolves rages on, with July 1 marking the official implementation of SB1211, Idaho’s wolf slaughter bill. Despite growing public awareness, the federal government has yet to intervene on behalf of wolves and their ecosystems. Wolves still need your help ~ please take action today!
VA Residents: Next Steps to Ban Wildlife Killing Contests in Virginia!
The Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources Board recently voted 10-1 to advance a regulation prohibiting wildlife killing contests to a public comment period. Many thanks to those of you who have thus far spoken up in support of the proposed regulation.
America’s Wolves Need You!
President Biden made news late last month when he revealed his grandchildren’s well-founded concerns about the fate of America’s wolves—concerns he professed to share and promised to address.
NV Residents: Help Ban Wildlife Killing Contests in Nevada!
The Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners (NBWC) will soon discuss wildlife killing contests for a second time and may provide direction to the Nevada Department of Wildlife to consider a regulatory prohibition on contests across the state.
MT Residents: Montana’s Wolves Need Your Help NOW!
The Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission is considering regulations to align their already deplorable wolf hunting season with the even more egregious recent legislation calling for an all-out war on wolves. Increased bag limits, liberalized trapping seasons, and snaring on private lands are all on the table. Please speak up NOW before it’s too late!
Idaho’s Wolves Still Need Your Help!
Now that the heinous legislation SB 1211 allowing the slaughter of 90 percent of Idaho’s 1,500 wolves has become law effective July 1, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game is seeking public comment on regulations to align with SB 1211 and allow wolves to be killed with traps, snares, dogs, and in dens along with pups.
Plumas & Sierra Counties’ Wildlife Needs You!
Urge the Plumas and Sierra Counties Boards of Supervisors toend their contract with Wildlife Services and implementa non-lethal coexistence program Project Coyote and our allies at Feather River Action have been working to help usher Plumas and Sierra Counties into...
This Endangered Species Day ~ Help Stop the War on Wolves!
Everywhere we look, we see bad news about wolves. Despite our best efforts, Governor Brad Little signed SB 1211 into law, allowing the slaughter of 90 percent of Idaho’s 1,500 wolves by the most barbaric means. Montana legislators have liberalized wolf hunting and...
Lobos Need You to Speak Up TODAY!
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) is planning to release a bonded wolf family with their young pups on the Ladder Ranch where they can be safe and free. We have a time-sensitive opportunity to speak out on behalf of this Mexican gray wolf family and we need...