
MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD. There are many ways to take action on behalf of wildlife. You can submit comments, write letters or join us at a hearing. To learn more about what to expect at hearings, and to hear what other supporters of wildlife have to say, view our videos. Bookmark or visit this page regularly. You can also join Project Coyote’s E-Team to receive breaking email alerts for actions you can take to protect our native carnivores.

Idaho’s Wolves Need Your Help Now!

Idaho’s Wolves Need Your Help Now!

A heinous bill is making its way through Idaho’s legislature to Governor Brad Little’s desk. SB 1211 would allow the slaughter of 90 percent of Idaho’s 1,500 wolves by any means: traps, snares, aerial shooting, running over with snowmobiles, and possibly poisons. There will be no bag or tag purchase limits or seasonal respite from trapping. Contract killers will be hired and funded by an additional $190,000 from the Idaho Wolf Control Fund, which already receives $400,000 to kill wolves

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OR Residents: Help Ban Coyote Killing Contests in Oregon!

OR Residents: Help Ban Coyote Killing Contests in Oregon!

With your help, legislation to end cruel coyote killing contests has reached the Oregon State Senate as HB 2728. This bill would protect countless coyotes from being killed for prizes or monetary awards. Many have already spoken up in support of HB 2728, and we are so grateful for your continued support. But we can’t give up now ~ we still need your voices!

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CO Residents: Help Wildlife Advocate Jay Tutchton Get Confirmed as CO Commissioner!

CO Residents: Help Wildlife Advocate Jay Tutchton Get Confirmed as CO Commissioner!

Special interests are attacking conservation-minded Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) Commissioner Jay Tutchton and trying to block his confirmation by the Colorado state senate. Jay is a long-time advocate for wildlife and wild places. Mr. Tutchton was appointed by Governor Polis to serve as the one commission member representing conservation interests required by Colorado law. His voice is one of science and support for a speedy reintroduction of wolves to Colorado!

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NM Residents: The Last Step in Banning Traps & Poisons on New Mexico Public Lands!

NM Residents: The Last Step in Banning Traps & Poisons on New Mexico Public Lands!

Last week we celebrated the state legislature’s vote in support of SB32 to ban traps and poisons on New Mexico’s public lands. But our opponents aren’t giving up in their efforts to prevent this important bill from final passage ~ and neither can we! With gratitude to everyone who has already spoken up in support of Roxy’s Law, we ask for one more action on behalf of New Mexico’s wildlife and public lands: to please contact Governor Lujan Grisham and ask her to sign SB32 into law!

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Mendocino’s Wildlife Needs You!

Mendocino’s Wildlife Needs You!

Project Coyote and allies have been working for years to help usher Mendocino County into modern wildlife conservation by terminating their long-standing relationship with the rogue U.S. Department of Agriculture program misnamed “Wildlife Services.” In fact, Wildlife Services doesn’t serve wildlife—it serves ranching and agricultural interests. In 2020, California Wildlife Services killed 24,264 wild native animals including 56 black bears, 39 mountain lions ~ and 3,252 coyotes!

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