
We know you care about ending cruel and senseless coyote killing contests in Oregon. After your determined efforts to help pass SB 723, the bill to ban these barbaric events statewide, we thought it important to share an update with you. Unfortunately, while the bill passed the Senate by a 17-12 vote and enjoyed overwhelming support in the House of Representatives, SB 723 failed to move to the floor of the House for a final vote in the waning hours of the legislative session.

Despite widespread support for a ban on coyote killing contests, it appears the House killed the bill to entice Senate Republicans to return to the legislature after their extended walkout to finish voting on legislation related to budget and other issues. Throughout the legislative session, Republicans defended their stance in support of the bloodsport as an example of the urban and rural divide. The truth is that Oregonians in both urban and rural areas care about the state’s wild animals, the oversight and care of which are held in the public trust for all citizens.

It’s a setback, but we are determined to abolish coyote killing contests once and for all in Oregon – and we know you are, too. We will be back next year to see this campaign through to victory. In addition to a broad coalition of organizations, we have hunter and chairman of the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission Mike Finley on our side. Finley himself, who condemned the contests as “slaughter fests” and “stomach-turning examples of wanton waste,” called lawmakers in the final days urging them to pass SB 723.

This year, Arizona and New Mexico banned coyote killing contests, and California and Vermont took action in 2014 and 2018, respectively. (The Arizona rule still must be finalized by the Governor’s Regulatory Review Council.) We are hopeful that Oregon will join these states next year in abolishing these horrific events for good, and we will of course continue to keep you apprised of these endeavors.

We urge you to email Senator Michael Dembrow, the bill’s sponsor, to thank him for championing the legislation and fighting for coyotes until the final hours of the legislative session. It’s important that lawmakers hear appreciation from their constituents. You can email him at sen.michaeldembrow@oregonlegislature.gov.

Thank you for speaking up for Oregon’s wildlife!

For Wild Nature,





Katie Stennes
Programs & Communications Manager



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