2009 Victories and Accomplishments

Project Coyote galvanizes a national coalition of wildlife advocacy and conservation organizations representing more than 70,000 Maine citizens to call for an end to coyote killing tournaments in Maine. The coalition convinces then Governor Baldacci to direct the state Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife to tell organizers to cancel a coyote contest hunt in Washington County. Read more.

In collaboration with the Marin County’s Department of Agriculture, Project Coyote supports the successful  Marin Livestock and Wildlife Protection Program. The program was created by the Marin County’s Department of Agriculture with input from Camilla Fox and local ranchers to replace the USDA Wildlife Services-managed lethal predator control program with a non-lethal cost-share alternative. Watch and read more.

Project Coyote, in partnership with Living World Films and San Francisco-based filmmaker Melissa Peabody, produces and launches the award-winning documentary American Coyote ~ Still Wild at Heart aired on KQED. Read more.