Chris Schadler



Chris’ interest in wild canids began in 1980 as a volunteer at the Wolf Park in Battleground, Indiana under Dr. Erich Klinghammer. This opportunity and others inspired an eventual Masters in Conservation Biology at Antioch University Graduate School. Her thesis focused on the biological and social perspectives of natural recovery for the Eastern Timber Wolf in Michigan.

Beginning in the early 1990’s, Chris taught Conservation Issues and Wolf Ecology at the University of New Hampshire, receiving many teaching excellence and student recognition awards. She continues to instruct and mentor adult degree candidates in the UNH System at Granite State College.

While wolf recovery was the focus of her early work, Chris’ attention shifted to the eastern coyote when she moved to New England. She chose a farm with known coyote problems to raise sheep and train her border collies. Using sound livestock management and common sense, she has avoided any predation for nearly two decades. A peaceful co-existence between coyote and livestock has grown an attentive audience for humane management.

Chris continues her work of the last 30 years. She divides her time between teaching on the New Hampshire Seacoast, and working on her book “Becoming Wolf: The Eastern Coyote in New England”. Between presentations she can be found at camp in northern New Hampshire tracking coyotes, howling for wolves or leading treks into Canada to study wild canids.

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