A Critical Evaluation of Legal and Illegal Killing of Native Predators, with Dr. Adrian Treves ~ Webinar Resources

We appreciate the outpouring of positive feedback regarding Dr. Adrian Treves’ fantastic webinar, A Critical Evaluation of Legal and Illegal Killing of Native Predators. Those who missed it can click here to view the full video and Adrian’s responses to questions he was unable to get to during the webinar itself. We encourage all to share this important information about whether scientific evidence supports the hypothesized benefits of predator-killing policies with friends, family, and colleagues, as well as through social media.


If you missed our previous webinar about Mexican Gray Wolf Recovery with Dave Parsons and Kim Crumbo, you can view that video (and the questions and answers) here.

Please stay tuned for news about upcoming presentations in this collaborative series of webinars sponsored by Project Coyote and The Rewilding Institute.

For the wild,





Camilla H. Fox
Founder &  Executive Director
Project Coyote






John Davis
Executive Director
The Rewilding Institute