A Message from Peter Coyote

Dear Friend of Wildlife,

This year marks Project Coyote‘s 10-year anniversary—and soon we’ll be extending an invitation to our supporters* to join the Project Coyote team, our special guests and me at our 10th Anniversary Gala! I am astonished at what Project Coyote has been able to achieve in such a short time, with its lean staff and hugely committed team of scientists, attorneys and outreach volunteers. As an environmentalist, wildlife enthusiast and practicing Buddhist, I am proud to be a Project Coyote supporter.

One way I support Project Coyote is by serving as an Advisory Board member. Another way I lend support is by helping in the production of Project Coyote‘s documentary films. You’ve read about or seen KILLING GAMES ~ Wildlife In The Crosshairs, our film exposé on wildlife killing contests. The film is being shown at film festivals and special events around the country, where it is being very well-received and winning multiple awards. KILLING GAMES is slated for screening in even more venues in the coming months, and Project Coyote’s new film on successfully fostering coexistence between predators and livestock is in production.

In the past ten years, we’ve faced many challenges and have made major inroads in our quest to promote compassionate coexistence. I’m asking you to join me in celebrating Project Coyote’s ten years of protecting native carnivores with a financial contribution. Your gift of any amount will help us continue our important work on behalf of North America‘s most beleaguered, maligned and misunderstood predators, including coyotes, mountain lions, bobcats, bears and wolves—species who play a critical role in maintaining healthy ecosystems.

And keep your eyes out for news about Project Coyote’s soon-to-be-announced campaign, in partnership with FLOAT.org, directed towards ending wildlife killing contests. A variety of t-shirts and hoodies with a specially designed logo will be available for purchase, with $8 of every sale going towards our goal of banning these cruel events across the country and promoting coexistence with our native predators.

No organization will use your gift more wisely and more productively than Project Coyote.

Thank you so much for your support.

For the Wild,

Peter Coyote
Actor, Author, Narrator, Conservationist
Project Coyote Advisory Board Member

* If you’re not already a Project Coyote supporter, please join today and you’ll be added to our Gala invitee list!

P.S. — Please consider helping sustain our work into the future by becoming a monthly Project Coyote pack member.