Becky Weed
Advisory Board Member


Becky Weed ranches in Southwestern Montana with her husband Dave Tyler. They operate Thirteen Mile Lamb & Wool Company, a certified organic, predator friendly sheep ranch, as well as a small wool mill. Thirteen Mile joined the board of Predator Friendly shortly after its inception in the mid-90s, and has been marketing products made from Predator Friendly wool ever since.

Weed is nationally recognized for her efforts in Predator Friendly ranching and was featured in Time Magazine in their series on “Heroes for the Planet” in 2000. As an outspoken proponent for human-predator coexistence, Weed advocates for dialogue with both consumers and producers through the Predator Friendly program.

Weed is trained as a geologist, and worked in that field for many years before becoming involved in agriculture. She has been involved with carnivore conservation issues for several years, and currently serves on the Board of the Wild Farm Alliance and the Conservation & Science Board of Lava Lake Land & Livestock, a very large Idaho ranch with a dual mission for conservation and economically viable ranching. She is a member of the Montana Board of Livestock.