Brad V. Purcell, PhD
Science Advisory Board Member


Brad Purcell completed his PhD at the University of Western Sydney on the ecology of dingoes in the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area in 2010. His study included population genetics, interactions with competitors and prey and movement behaviour. In 2010 he also published a monograph on the dingo for the Australian CSIRO publishing unit. In 2011 Brad studied proactive and sustainable carnivore management around the globe whilst traveling on a Winston Churchill Memorial Trust travel fellowship. He visited Botswana Predator Conservation Trust, WildCRU, the Wolf Centre, the Polish Academy of Sciences Mammal Research Institute and carnivore experts in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. Dingoes are regularly culled due to perceived threats to livestock industries, through predation and disease, similar to conflicts between coyotes and livestock in the U.S., and Brad is working on mitigating those conflicts for holistic management of Australian ecosystems.

Dr. Purcell currently holds an adjunct fellowship with the University of Western Sydney whilst teaching undergraduate students. He is an advisory member of the National Dingo Preservation and Recovery Program and works with the Blue Mountains World Heritage Institute on research projects. Brad also represents his local community on sustainability and water quality monitoring advisory committees for his local government.