ACT NOW to end CA fur trade & bobcat trophy hunting!

Good news: Thanks to your support, Gov. Newsom signed AB 273 into law on September 4! With this historic victory, California becomes the first state to prohibit all commercial and recreational trapping of fur-bearing and nongame mammals.

Now, we need your help to pass two more critical bills that will protect California’s wild animals from cruel and pointless suffering and death – and set a standard for the nation on the humane treatment of wildlife!

Legislation to ban trophy hunting of bobcats (AB 1254) and the fur trade (AB 44) passed the Senate Appropriations Committee last week and are now up for a vote by the full Senate.

Please ~ speak up for coyotes, bobcats, foxes and other animals!

Contact your senator and ask him or her to vote YES on AB 1254 and AB 44.
Go here to find contact information for your Senator. First, send a polite email or message to your Senator. Next, follow up with a brief phone call. You can simply say, “As your constituent, I ask you to please vote YES on AB 1254 and AB 44 to protect California’s wildlife from cruel and senseless bobcat trophy hunting and the fur trade.” Find additional talking points here.

Submit a letter to the editor of your local newspaper.
Please send a letter to your local newspaper encouraging readers to urge their Senator to vote YES on AB 1254 and AB 44. If your letter is published, send the letter via email to your Senator. Find tips for submitting letters to the editor here and talking points for both bills here.

Thank you for protecting California’s wildlife!

Onward to Victory!





Camilla H. Fox
Founder & Executive Director