Oregon residents, we need your help TODAY to pass a bill that would prohibit coyote killing contests in Oregon. During these barbaric events, participants compete to kill the smallest, the largest, or the greatest number of coyotes for fun and prizes.
SB 723 would ban these ethically and ecologically indefensible events in Oregon–relegating the bloodsport to the history books, just like dogfighting and cockfighting. SB 723 will be heard by lawmakers on the Senate Committee On Judiciary next Thursday, February 28.
Please act today by writing or calling key State Senators on the Committee and asking them to vote YES on SB 723. We also urge you to attend the hearing. Details below.
This legislation will prevent a small minority of the population from recklessly slaughtering Oregon’s coyotes.
- Hunter and Chairman of the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission Mike Finley has condemned wildlife killing contests, stating: “There will always be an element of society that has no regard for the living world and you will never change their minds; their ancestors were the same people who wiped out the passenger pigeon and put notches in their rifle stocks as buffalo hunters. They may derive a lot of personal delight in blowing away these animals but when you ask them why they do it, they can’t provide a good answer because there isn’t one.”
- Killing contests are a bloodsport like dogfighting and cockfighting. Killing coyotes for thrills and prizes–with no respect for their intrinsic or ecological value–is senseless violence and waste.
- Killing contests damage the reputation of responsible hunters by violating fundamental hunting ethics. Countless animals are injured or orphaned during killing contests. The events put non-target species (including imperiled wolves) at risk. Participants use electronic calling devices, which mimic the sounds of prey or young in distress, to lure coyotes in for an easy kill.
- Participants perpetuate myths to justify the killing. There is no scientific evidence that indiscriminately killing coyotes reduces their populations, increases populations of game animals like deer, or protects livestock.
- Killing contests are contrary to sound wildlife management. Randomly killing coyotes disrupts their pack structure which can increase their populations and increase conflicts with coyotes. Preventing conflicts with the use of humane, non-lethal methods is more effective.
- Coyotes play an important ecological role in healthy ecosystems. They reduce rabbit and rodent populations, keep environments free of animal carcasses, and increase biodiversity.
- This bill is not a ban on hunting. Individuals will still be allowed to hunt coyotes according to state laws.
Learn more about wildlife killing contests here, the scientific reasons behind why killing coyotes doesn’t solve problems here and here, and the National Coalition to End Wildlife Killing Contests here.
Please contact key State Senators TODAY to urge their support for SB 723 ~ Speak up for the voiceless animals who need your help.
Contact Key Committee Members:
Please send an email to the following members of the Senate Committee On Judiciary and urge them to vote YES on SB 723—and be sure to let them know you’re a Oregon resident:
Follow-up with a Phone Call:
Make a quick call to Committee Members to urge them to vote YES on SB 723—and let them know you’re a Oregon resident:
Sen. Prozanski: 503-986-1704
Sen. Thatcher: 503-986-1713
Sen. Bentz: 503-986-1730
Sen. Fagan: 503-986-1724
Sen. Gelser: 503-986-1708
Sen. Linthicum: 503-986-1728
Sen. Manning: 503-986-1707
Contact Your Own State Senator:
It’s also important to contact the State Senator who represents your district to urge him or her to vote YES on SB 723. Make sure to let your Senator know you’re his or her constituent.
We also hope you will attend Thursday’s Committee Hearing!
Your presence speaks volumes—please attend the hearing to show your support for SB 723. You may have the opportunity to testify—if you do, it’s important to keep your testimony to 30 to 60 seconds and to be polite. Please focus on the cruel and senseless nature of wildlife killing contests.
What: Hearing on SB 723 by the Senate Committee On Judiciary
Where: Room HR C, Oregon State Capitol, Salem, OR
Date: Thursday, February 28
Time: 8:30 AM (please arrive by 8:00 AM)
Thank you for acting TODAY to protect Oregon’s coyotes!
For Wild Nature,
Camilla Fox
Founder & Executive Director