
Wolves Need Your Help: Take Action NOW!

Wolves are under threat, day and night, across their range. As part of our campaign to Protect America’s Wolves, we want to alert you to two actions you can take today that will have a huge impact on federal-level U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) decisions about wolves.

Can you take two steps to protect wolves today?

  1. Ask FWS to #RelistWolves by December 16.
    FWS is conducting a status review of gray wolves and “requesting scientific and commercial data and other information regarding the species and factors that may affect its status.

    Your comment calling for emergency relisting is due by December 16.

    1. Draft your comment. Check out these talking points if you need help. Comments are best focused on Northern Rockies wolves.
    2. Submit your comment.
  2. Then, urge FWS to improve lobo recovery by January 27.

    FWS is also revising its 2015 Mexican gray wolf 10(j) Management Rule, which a Federal court found does not rely on the best available science and violates the Endangered Species Act by failing to conserve the endangered Mexican gray wolf. 

    We now have the opportunity to demand that FWS follow the court order and base the revised management rule on independent academic science rather than political pressure. 

Don’t forget to forward this action alert to friends and family, and encourage them to take action on behalf of wolves. We need every voice raised to save them.

Thank you for acting today to protect wolves and wild ecosystems!

For Wild Nature,

Michelle Lute, PhD                                                                                 Dave Parsons, MS
National Carnivore Conservation Manager                                     Project Coyote Science Advisor

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