
Dear Friend of Wildlife,

Since their removal from the Endangered Species Act, wolves are suffering under state-sponsored persecution in Montana, Idaho, and a handful of other states — and we may already be seeing their population plummet again as a result. As described in this article, USDA Wildlife Services killed eight wolf pups last month belonging to a pack that had been adopted by Boise highschoolers. 

We know that the majority of people are with us, but we have to get their attention. Can you help raise public outcry about this massacre by writing a Letter to the Editor (LTE) to your local newspaper?

  • Speak out against the wasteful killing of wolves by Wildlife Services in your region.
  • Use the talking points below, and check out our tips on how to write LTEs here.

Talking Points (please personalize):

  • State where you live in Idaho, or your regional residency, and that you condemn the federal government killing wolf pups in your area. You can also acknowledge local conservationists and Timberline High School students for their advocacy on this issue.
  • Wolf populations remain at risk, despite being delisted from the Endangered Species Act. When wolves were removed from the Endangered Species Act earlier this year, they only occupied 15% of their historic range. Since then, some state governments have endorsed wanton killing of wolves, putting their population under even more dire threat.
  • Non-lethal methods are more effective at preventing potential conflict. Non-lethal methods already being practiced are vastly more effective at protecting ranchers’ livelihoods and the welfare of native wildlife, all at lower long-term cost compared to lethal control. The Wood River Wolf Project, mentioned in this article, is one great example.
  • Stable wolf packs are vital to the health and biodiversity of our native ecosystems. But wolves cannot fulfill their important environmental role when their young are being slaughtered by federal agents.

Thank you for acting today to protect Idaho’s wolves and wild ecosystems!



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