Remembering Joan Lamphier

Remembering Joan Lamphier

Remembering Joan Lamphier ~ Project Coyote Advisory Board Member (2013-2022) By Camilla Fox It was with deep sadness that we learned of Project Coyote Advisory Board (AB) member Joan Lamphier’s passing in late November.  Joan served on Project Coyote’s AB for close to...
MEDIA RELEASE | Conservation Groups Seek to Protect Mexican Gray Wolves by Listing Coyotes as Endangered in Parts of Arizona and New Mexico

MEDIA RELEASE | Conservation Groups Seek to Protect Mexican Gray Wolves by Listing Coyotes as Endangered in Parts of Arizona and New Mexico

Conservation groups are urging the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to provide better federal protection for Mexican gray wolves by listing its look-alike species, the coyote, within the wolves’ recovery area. Illegal wolf killing is the leading cause of death for Mexican gray wolves, and the similarity of appearance with coyotes is a common excuse for wolves being unlawfully killed.