MEDIA RELEASE | New Bill Introduced to Protect Wolves in New York
Senator Hoylman-Sigal and Assembly Member Carroll introduced legislation
to require DEC to collect and analyze data about large canids in New York
Senator Hoylman-Sigal and Assembly Member Carroll introduced legislation
to require DEC to collect and analyze data about large canids in New York
A young wolf’s torture and death in Wyoming has sparked national outrage. we’ve set up this Action Page to channel your voices into collective action, so that this wolf may live on in the calls for justice, and inspire fundamental and systemic change for the lives of all wolves.
Our Spring Coyote Chronicles edition highlgihts our national work to protect wild carnivores, promote coexistence among diverse communities, and inspire appreciation for our wild neighbors.
Join us to demand justice for this wolf and all wild wolves. Like many of you, we’ve been distraught over the Wyoming wolf incident that has made national headlines over the last few weeks.