The War on Wolves
The world-renowned Royal Canadian Mint recently announced its new silver coin series, which is dedicated to wildlife in Canada; the initial offering features a wolf on the $5 denomination.
The world-renowned Royal Canadian Mint recently announced its new silver coin series, which is dedicated to wildlife in Canada; the initial offering features a wolf on the $5 denomination.
This is a coyote “patrolling” the streets (and not just any street, this is State Street!) in downtown Chicago. It’s supposed to be there, say the police. And it’s not alone.
The world-renowned Royal Canadian Mint recently announced its new silver coin series, which is dedicated to wildlife in Canada; the initial offering features a wolf on the $5 denomination.
New Era for Wolves and People: Wolf Recovery, Human Attitudes, and Policy (2009)
With a chorus of howls and yips wild enough to fill a vast night sky, the coyote has ignited the imagination of one culture after another.