
We’re so grateful to all of you who have already joined Project Coyote’s FLOAT.org campaign and purchased our exclusive BORN TO BE WILD & FREE ~ END WILDLIFE KILLING CONTESTS swag! For every item you purchase, FLOAT.org donates $8.00 to Project Coyote—and you help raise public awareness about this issue by wearing these limited edition t-shirts, tank tops, and hoodies.

Each of you has made a difference and helped create a world of compassionate coexistence where we live in harmony with our native wildlife, and where animals aren’t brutally slaughtered for the sake of fun or prizes.

Our campaign has been very successful so far—and the sky’s the limit! For those who haven’t yet joined the effort, you still have until 9:00 am MT on Monday, July 29, to purchase your swag (great gifts!). Please visit FLOAT.org today to order, and support our campaign to end wildlife killing contests.

Thank you for your support!

Camilla H. Fox, Founder & Executive Director
(pictured with Dr. Michael W. Fox at the MN premiere of KILLING GAMES ~ Wildlife In The Crosshairs, July 24, 2019)


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