Action Alerts

If you’ve already submitted comments to the Arizona Game and Fish (AZGF) Commission in support of their proposed rule to ban wildlife killing contests in the state – thank you! If not, there’s still time
Thanks to all who have contacted the Division of Fisheries & WIldlife (MassWildlife) to express your opposition to coyote killing contests – and to those who attended the agency’s public listening session in April in

COMMENT PERIOD EXTENDED TO JULY 15, 2019! There is only one week left to submit public comments on the Trump Administration’s ill-conceived proposed rule to strip

Thanks to your support, the California Ecosystems Protection Act (AB 1788) – a bill to protect wild animals including bobcats, coyotes, mountain lions, owls and

Thanks to your letters and calls SB 580, a bill to ban cyanide devices (also known as M-44s or cyanide bombs), passed the Oregon state legislature and is waiting to be signed into law by
Thanks to your support, AB 273—the bill to ban fur trapping of furbearing and nongame mammals in California—is now eligible for a floor vote in the Assembly after passing two committees! Your voice is needed
The Arizona Game and Fish (AZGF) Commission has proposed a rule that would ban organizing, participating in, and promoting wildlife killing contests in the state. During these barbaric events, participants compete to kill the greatest
Good news! Thanks to your support, on April 4th the Oregon Senate Judiciary Committee passed SB 723 – the bill to ban coyote killing contests in the state – with a 5-2 vote! During these
On Tuesday, April 9th, the California Assembly Committee on Water, Parks and Wildlife will consider AB 1788, a bill to protect wild animals including bobcats, coyotes, mountain lions, owls and hawks from anticoagulant rodenticides (rat
Massachusetts residents, we need your help to urge the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife (MassWildlife) to pass a regulation prohibiting coyote killing contests in the state. During these barbaric events, participants compete to kill
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has issued a proposed rule to strip Endangered Species Act (ESA) protections for gray wolves in the lower 48 states – a premature decision unsupported by science that will

We are at the final step in enacting a law that would ban coyote killing contests – barbaric events in which participants compete to kill