by Project Coyote | May 5, 2021 | Action Alert, What's Hot
Following swiftly on the heels of the heinous February wolf slaughter, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) is seeking public input through an online survey to inform an update to their woefully inadequate and outdated wolf management plan.
by Project Coyote | Apr 27, 2021 | Action Alert, What's Hot
A heinous bill is making its way through Idaho’s legislature to Governor Brad Little’s desk. SB 1211 would allow the slaughter of 90 percent of Idaho’s 1,500 wolves by any means: traps, snares, aerial shooting, running over with snowmobiles, and possibly poisons. There will be no bag or tag purchase limits or seasonal respite from trapping. Contract killers will be hired and funded by an additional $190,000 from the Idaho Wolf Control Fund, which already receives $400,000 to kill wolves
by Project Coyote | Apr 26, 2021 | Action Alert, What's Hot
With your help, legislation to end cruel coyote killing contests has reached the Oregon State Senate as HB 2728. This bill would protect countless coyotes from being killed for prizes or monetary awards. Many have already spoken up in support of HB 2728, and we are so grateful for your continued support. But we can’t give up now ~ we still need your voices!
by Project Coyote | Apr 23, 2021 | Action Alert, What's Hot
Special interests are attacking conservation-minded Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) Commissioner Jay Tutchton and trying to block his confirmation by the Colorado state senate. Jay is a long-time advocate for wildlife and wild places. Mr. Tutchton was appointed by Governor Polis to serve as the one commission member representing conservation interests required by Colorado law. His voice is one of science and support for a speedy reintroduction of wolves to Colorado!
by Project Coyote | Apr 6, 2021 | Action Alert
The Vermont State Legislature is currently considering a bill, H.172, that would ban traps and bear hounding across the state—and we need your help to get it passed! H.172 would protect wildlife, humans, and companion animals from traps and hunting bears with the use of hounds.
by Project Coyote | Mar 29, 2021 | Action Alert
More Action Needed to Ban Coyote Killing Contests in Oregon! Legislation to end cruel coyote killing contests has reached the Oregon State House Chamber as HB 2728 and a floor vote is expected this week. This bill would protect countless coyotes from being killed for...