CA Residents: ACT NOW ~ Help End the Senseless Killing of Mendocino’s Wildlife!
We reached out to you this summer asking for your help in urging Mendocino County to permanently terminate its contract with the USDA Wildlife Services, which has trapped, shot, and killed hundreds of bears, bobcats, coyotes, foxes, mountain lions and other wildlife in Mendocino – and inadvertently killed non-target species, including imperiled wildlife and beloved pets. The County has been using taxpayer dollars to pay for their lethal wildlife management program, often on behalf of commercial agricultural interests.
Final push ~ Speak up to ban killing contests in Massachusetts!
As we have shared, the Division of Fisheries & Wildlife (MassWildlife) proposed a regulation to ban wildlife killing contests in the Commonwealth. MassWildlife held public hearings on the regulation in October (thanks to all who attended!) and a small but vocal minority of killing contest participants expressed their opposition to the regulation. We need your voice to help push this rule through the last hurdle!
ACT NOW ~ No more trapping on New Mexico’s public lands!
Trapping season is upon us: In two weeks, cruel traps will be strewn across New Mexico’s public lands, causing agonizing suffering for the unlucky animals who fall victim to them. Our new Game Commissioners, whom Governor Lujan Grisham appointed this year, has ignored the fact that nearly 70% of New Mexicans oppose trapping entirely. Outdated and indiscriminate traps kill thousands of companion animals, endangered Mexican gray wolves, and native bobcats, foxes, coyotes, beavers and other species.
Speak up ~ Support MassWildlife’s proposal to ban killing contests!
Thanks to your help, the Division of Fisheries & Wildlife (MassWildlife) has proposed a regulation to ban wildlife killing contests in the Commonwealth. Now, we need your voice to convince MassWildlife’s Board to adopt the regulation to outlaw the bloodsport once and for all!
Support Federal Legislation to End Cruel Predator Poisons!
We need your help. Every year, millions of taxpayer dollars are spent on lethal animal control. In 2018, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services (“WS”) program killed 2.65 million animals – among them, thousands of non-target animals including imperiled wildlife and beloved companion animals. One particularly cruel method WS uses is poison, which can cause agonizing, slow deaths for the unlucky animals who happen upon any of a variety of poison-laced traps or bait. These poisons are also ineffective, expensive, and obsolete.