by Project Coyote | Sep 25, 2019 | Action Alert
Earlier this month—thanks to your support—Governor Newsom signed AB 273 into law, making California the first state in the nation to ban commercial and recreational fur trapping! This momentous law will spare countless wild animals from the unnecessary fur trade. Now we need your help to pass two more critical bills that will protect California’s wild animals from cruel and pointless suffering and death.
by Project Coyote | Sep 16, 2019 | Action Alert
As a result of public outcry against cruel and indiscriminate traps, the New Mexico State Game Commission undertook a review of the state’s trapping laws and is now proposing a set of changes. However, the Trap Free New Mexico coalition, of which Project Coyote is a part, believes that these changes largely cater to special interest trapping groups and fall far short of addressing the public’s concerns about trapping. Last year, at least two dogs were killed and a number of others injured, while countless thousands of wild animals were trapped and skinned for their fur.
by Project Coyote | Sep 4, 2019 | Action Alert, Action Alert_hold
Good news: Thanks to your support, Gov. Newsom signed AB 273 into law on September 4! With this historic victory, California becomes the first state to prohibit all commercial and recreational trapping of fur-bearing and nongame mammals. Now, we need your help to pass...
by Project Coyote | Aug 28, 2019 | Action Alert
We are nearing the finish line for three pieces of legislation that will protect wild animals – including bobcats, coyotes, and foxes – from inhumane and pointless suffering and death in California. Thanks to you, AB 273 – the bill to ban all commercial and recreational trapping of fur-bearing and nongame mammals – passed the state legislature and is now on Governor Newsom’s desk awaiting his signature! Additionally, the bills to ban trophy hunting of bobcats (AB 1254) and the fur trade (AB 44) are making their way through the legislature and have a hearing in Senate Appropriations this Friday. All three bills still need your urgent support.
by Project Coyote | Aug 20, 2019 | Action Alert
Thousands of wild animals and pets fall victim to senseless pain and suffering caused by traps in New Mexico. The New Mexico Department of Fish & Game (NMDFG) is recommending changes to the state’s trapping rules – but these changes will fail to protect people, pets and wildlife from cruel and indiscriminate traps.
by Project Coyote | Aug 5, 2019 | Action Alert
On August 12th, the Senate Appropriations Committee will hear three bills that are crucial to protecting California’s wild animals from senseless cruelty and death.