Oregon Residents: Urge Governor Brown to Ban Cyanide Bombs in Oregon!
Thanks to your letters and calls SB 580, a bill to ban cyanide devices (also known as M-44s or cyanide bombs), passed the Oregon state legislature and is waiting to be signed into law by Governor Kate Brown. The legislation would abolish the use of cyanide bombs to kill coyotes and foxes and other wildlife in Oregon. The devices cause agonizing deaths for wild animals and are a serious public safety threat, endangering the lives of children and pets.
California Residents: Speak Out to End Fur Trapping in California!
Thanks to your support, AB 273—the bill to ban fur trapping of furbearing and nongame mammals in California—is now eligible for a floor vote in the Assembly after passing two committees! Your voice is needed to help pass this important legislation, which would end cruel and senseless fur trapping of animals such as coyotes and foxes, thereby setting a standard for the humane treatment of wildlife throughout the nation. You helped us get a ban imposed on commercial and recreational bobcat trapping in California in 2015—now let’s extend that ban to the other animals who suffer as a result of the fur trade.
Help Ban Cruel and Senseless Coyote Killing Contests in Arizona!
The Arizona Game and Fish (AZGF) Commission has proposed a rule that would ban organizing, participating in, and promoting wildlife killing contests in the state. During these barbaric events, participants compete to kill the greatest number, the largest, the smallest, or even the youngest of the targeted animal for prizes and entertainment. Hundreds of bobcats, coyotes, cougars, foxes, rabbits, badgers and other species are killed in these contests every year in Arizona.
Oregon Residents: Help Ban Cruel and Senseless Coyote Killing Contests
Good news! Thanks to your support, on April 4th the Oregon Senate Judiciary Committee passed SB 723 – the bill to ban coyote killing contests in the state – with a 5-2 vote! During these ethically and ecologically indefensible events, participants compete to kill the smallest, the largest, or the greatest number of coyotes for “fun” and prizes. The bill now heads to the Senate floor for a vote.
CA Residents: Help Protect Bobcats, Coyotes, and Other Wildlife From Cruelty!
On Tuesday, April 9th, the California Assembly Committee on Water, Parks and Wildlife will consider AB 1788, a bill to protect wild animals including bobcats, coyotes, mountain lions, owls and hawks from anticoagulant rodenticides (rat poison), which destroy ecosystems and indiscriminately poison native wildlife who eat poisoned rodents. The Committee will also hear AB 1254, legislation to ban cruel and senseless bobcat trophy hunting in the state. Your voice is needed to pass these important bills, which would set new standards for wildlife protection for the nation.