by Project Coyote | Mar 28, 2017 | Action Alert
Recently, a coyote was found dead in a San Francisco playground with four different rat poisons in its body. It died of massive internal bleeding and reminds us again how urgently we must fight to ban deadly poisons.
by Project Coyote | Mar 21, 2017 | Action Alert
We urgently need your help today to defeat S.J. Res. 18/H.J. Res. 69, which would roll back regulations enacted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) prohibiting heinous hunting and trapping practices for killing predators on national wildlife refuges in Alaska.
by Project Coyote | Mar 2, 2017 | Action Alert
Yesterday marked the opening day of the Georgia Coyote Challenge, a coyote killing contest implemented by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources (“DNR”) to “encourage the taking of coyotes from March to August.” As pointed out in Project Coyote’s science letter to the Governor and the DNR, signed by eighteen of our Science Advisory Board members, this state-sanctioned kill fest is “nothing more than a wildlife killing contest (WKC), tempting participants to kill coyotes for a chance to win a lifetime hunting license.”
by Project Coyote | Feb 19, 2017 | Action Alert
On February 7th, the Arcadia City Council voted unanimously to start trapping and killing the city’s coyotes in response to complaints from residents about the animals’ presence.
by Project Coyote | Feb 7, 2017 | Action Alert
We are counting on you to help protect Oregon’s cougar population. Please join us to oppose H.B. 2107, H.B. 2589, S.B. S371 and S.B. 458.
by Project Coyote | Feb 5, 2017 | Action Alert
Senate Bill 268 would make it illegal to organize and participate in coyote killing contests (CKCs) in New Mexico.