Action Alerts

Speak up to oppose black bear trophy hunting New Jersey Governor Murphy has abandoned his previous commitment to end bear hunting. Last November, he

Take ACTION to make Colorado a welcoming place for wolves introduced in 2023 Last month, Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) released its draft wolf restoration

Voice your support for bears by emailing before January 6th and testifying on January 11th (even if you live outside of CA!) Despite reporting population

Contact the Virginia DWR to let them know you support a ban on wildlife killing contests in the state (deadline Dec. 2nd!) Every year, cruel

Speak up to let the ODFW Commission know you support banning coyote killing contests in Oregon Every year, cruel and senseless coyote killing contests are

Voice your support for bears by emailing the California Wildlife Resources Committee before September 12th and by testifying virtually on Thursday, September 15th (even if

Speak up to let the IDNR know you support prohibiting WKCs in Illinois Every year, Illinois is home to over a dozen cruel and senseless

Sign up to comment in support of wildlife before August 25th  During the Wisconsin Conservation Congress’ (WCC) 2022 Spring Hearing, wildlife advocates were able to

Advocate for our nation's wolves with public comment deadlines that are rapidly approaching!
Contact your Representative if they serve on the House Committee on Natural Resources (HNRC) to support support of H.R.7398, which would prohibit wildlife killing contests across America.
A report in The Intercept was published this week detailing three years of investigative work by Western Watersheds Project in coordination with an agency whistleblower, uncovering systemic fraud and corruption by the federal Wildlife Services
Join our #ProtectAmericasWolves advocacy campaign and take weekly targeted actions to increase public pressure on our representatives, and demand the wolves of the Northern Rockies be relisted as endangered before it's too late.