Another Chance to Win Train Tickets!

Another Chance to Win Train Tickets!

If you bid on the Train VIP ticket package during our recent 10-Year Anniversary Benefit Auction but lost out, you have another chance to win! The very generous Project Coyote supporter who won the tickets has donated them back to Project Coyote to be re-auctioned!

Success: Governor Brown Bans Cyanide Bombs in Oregon!

Success: Governor Brown Bans Cyanide Bombs in Oregon!

Great news out of Oregon! Thanks to your help—as well as that of our colleagues with Predator Defense, Oregon Wild, Audubon Society of Portland, and others—SB 580, a bill to ban cyanide devices (also known as M-44s or cyanide bombs), was signed into law yesterday by Governor Kate Brown. The legislation prohibits the use of deadly M-44s to kill coyotes, foxes and other wildlife in Oregon.