A Message from Peter Coyote
This year marks Project Coyote‘s 10-year anniversary—and soon we’ll be extending an invitation to our supporters* to join the Project Coyote team, our special guests and me at our 10th Anniversary Gala!
This year marks Project Coyote‘s 10-year anniversary—and soon we’ll be extending an invitation to our supporters* to join the Project Coyote team, our special guests and me at our 10th Anniversary Gala!
Most Americans are shocked to learn that each year thousands of coyotes, foxes, bobcats, prairie dogs, crows, and even wolves are targeted in “wildlife killing contests” where contestants win prizes and awards for killing the most or largest of a given species. These contests, largely unmonitored by state and federal wildlife agencies, are legal throughout the United States and often occur on our public lands.
To expose this barbaric practice, Project Coyote is producing a film to raise awareness and to inspire action to end this cruel and senseless slaughter of America’s native wildlife.