Your voice is needed to help end cruel wildlife killing contests in New Hampshire! HB589, a bill to ban wildlife killing contests and prohibit wanton
August 30, 2024 Media Contacts:, 415.326.4110 WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Project Coyote announced a new campaign aimed at ending wildlife killing contests across Michigan. Wildlife killing
April 04, 2024 Media Contacts:, 415.326.4110 LARKSPUR, CA — Project Coyote is thrilled to announce the full public release of our documentary KILLING GAMES
We’ve been working hard and making strides in our efforts to ban wildlife killing contests (WKCs) in Illinois. On March 12, the Illinois House Agriculture
File a witness slip to support HB2900 Every year, cruel and ecologically destructive wildlife killing contests are held throughout Illinois targeting coyotes, foxes, raccoons and