Mendocino County exploring non-lethal wildlife management service

Mendocino County exploring non-lethal wildlife management service

The Mendocino County Board of Supervisors has authorized the Wildlife Ad Hoc Committee, consisting of Supervisors Dan Gjerde and John Haschak, to work with county staff to bring back options for a strictly non-lethal wildlife management service in Mendocino County. The non-lethal service would be a supplemental option to the recently approved Integrated Wildlife Damage Management Program, which has lethal options for killing animals. The organization called A Wildlife Exclusion Service, which was created by Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue, would likely provide the non-lethal animal program services.

Friendly, black coyote captured in East Cobb

Friendly, black coyote captured in East Cobb

For a week, Vanessa Prior’s Great Pyrenees named Ruth Bader has had a friend–a black coyote that researchers have been tracking since late December when it was first spotted in Smyrna.
It ended up in Prior’s backyard in East Cobb, where for a week it would show up every morning to play with Ruth Bader.

Washington Fish and Wildlife commission considers ban on hunting competitions

Washington Fish and Wildlife commission considers ban on hunting competitions

Washington state wildlife managers are considering eliminating hunting competitions, particularly of coyotes, citing ethical and social concerns. “Sometimes we have to do something for social reasons and this is one of them, in my mind,” said Barbara Baker, the Thurston County commissioner who requested the commission consider the changes. “This is the kind of thing that gives hunters a bad name.”