There’s a Coyote in Central Park. Don’t Panic.

There’s a Coyote in Central Park. Don’t Panic.

“Do not feed coyotes,” the police implored people heading into Central Park this week. If you see one, they added, try to “appreciate” it “from a distance.” And, of course, “Protect your pets.” The New York Police Department’s message, shared on Twitter, prompted a wave of news reports, along with a few questions on social media. So, we talked to some coyote experts.

Point of View: It’s time to end wildlife killing contests in Oklahoma

Point of View: It’s time to end wildlife killing contests in Oklahoma

One morning in the 1930s in Yellowstone, biologist Adolph Murie watched a trotting coyote joyously toss a sprig of sagebrush in the air with her mouth, adroitly catch it, and repeat the act every few yards. Murie was conducting a study to prove that coyotes were “the archpredator of our time.” But the biologist, whose work ultimately exonerated the animals, was more impressed by that sprig-tossing — proof of the joy a coyote took in being alive.