Ultra-lethal ‘Cyanide Bombs’ Used To Kill Public Wildlife Banned For Now In Wyoming

Ultra-lethal ‘Cyanide Bombs’ Used To Kill Public Wildlife Banned For Now In Wyoming

Most Americans are probably unfamiliar with the federal government’s taxpayer-subsidized killing campaign carried out every year against public wildlife on public lands, most of them located in the West. Most are probably unaware that their hard-earned money, paid in taxes to Uncle Sam, helps to operate a federal agency known as Wildlife Services, a branch of the US Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

Science vs Policy- Future of the Mexican Wolf with David Parsons

Science vs Policy- Future of the Mexican Wolf with David Parsons

The saga of the Mexican Grey Wolf is a story of how politics interferes in the efforts of independent scientists to recover an endangered species. With my guest David Parsons, who formerly led the USFWS efforts to reintroduce the Mexican Grey Wolf to the American Southwest from 1990-99, we learn how difficult it is to reintroduce a species and save it from extinction when powerful vested interests who control legislators hijack the policy process down to even the scientific modeling results for how many wolves are needed to recover the species.

Report Shows Environmental Impacts of Predator Control in Mendocino

Report Shows Environmental Impacts of Predator Control in Mendocino

Mendocino County’s Predator Control program is under scrutiny, after a group of Wildlife Advocacy Groups sued them for failing to study the ecological impacts of their contract with Wildlife Services, a federal agency that kills predators and other wildlife ostensibly to protect livestock. The Plaintiffs, led by the northern California’s Project Coyote, argue that the current practice of killing these animals has devastating environmental effects, and that nonlethal methods of predator control are more effective and humane.