Coyote Choruses No Cause for Concern
Over the past couple of months, the eerie nighttime yips and howls of coyotes have echoed regularly across the hills and valleys of Marin.
Over the past couple of months, the eerie nighttime yips and howls of coyotes have echoed regularly across the hills and valleys of Marin.
Coyotes howling into the night are as much a part of Calabasas as the aspiring screenwriters, retired moguls and stay-at-home mothers who crowd the coffee shops in the city’s well-manicured mall.
Join Project Coyote and the Animal Welfare Institute (AWI) in urging the City of Calabasas, California to make permanent its temporary ban on indiscriminate coyote killing.
The best way to change a coyote’s behavior and prevent attacks on people and pets is to first change the way humans act, say members of the Calabasas Environmental Commission.
The Calabasas Environmental Commission on Tuesday voiced unanimous support for a new coyote management plan that emphasizes public education on how to reduce human-coyote encounters and stipulates that lethal action against the wild animals should be a last resort.
The trucks pulled up at dawn. PollyAnna, a year-old disabled goose whose wing feathers were growing back, was asleep when the trappers approached.