Woman worries stray greyhounds byproduct of coyote hunting
A New Mexico woman claims using greyhounds to attack and kill coyotes, is another form of dog fighting. However, there are no laws in the state against it.
A New Mexico woman claims using greyhounds to attack and kill coyotes, is another form of dog fighting. However, there are no laws in the state against it.
The recent decision by the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish to increase the bear, wolf and mountain lion hunting quota dishonors New Mexico as a maverick gun-toting renegade state.
The headline looked like a joke: “To truly end animal suffering, the most ethical choice is to kill wild predators (especially Cecil the lion).”
If you’re looking for the world’s top “superpredator,” look no further than your own reflection.
Coyotes are here to stay, and are the top predators in this area. It’s up to us, however, to help ensure that there are no conflicts as we live alongside each other.
ELGIN, Oklahoma. One morning in an otherwise quiet corner of the Great Plains, high-pitched yips and deep growls sprang from a cluster of trees. Two greyhounds were fighting a pack of coyotes.