#GivingTuesdayNow is a day of giving devoted to uniting and healing the planet and all its human and non-human inhabitants through acts of generosity, grassroots engagement, philanthropy and support for communities and nonprofits around the
A coalition of leading wildlife protection organizations is applauding the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission for their vote today to ban wildlife killing contests for furbearer and certain small game species in the state. Colorado
#GivingTuesdayNow, planned for May 5, is a global day of thoughtful, compassionate, positive and moral, unified and giving action in response to the COVID-19 pandemic; we must become better stewards of our planet and of
Today the California Fish & Game Commission is meeting to consider, among other agenda items, listing the state's imperiled mountain lions under the California Endangered Species Act. Our team will be attending (virtually) to present
A key piece of information is missing from the March 7, front page article in the Ukiah Daily Journal entitled “Non-lethal Wildlife Option Explored.” It’s laudable that the Board of Supervisors is investigating non-lethal means
As the world has slowed down to stave off the spread of COVID-19, stories of wild animals tromping into now-quiet city streets have gone viral online. Some of these turned out to be completely made-up,
Shelter-in-place orders do not apply to wildlife, and in San Francisco, coyotes are making themselves comfortable out and about. With little to no people around, the coyotes have free rein and can explore areas they
SAN FRANCISCO, CA — In response to a lawsuit filed by wildlife advocacy groups, a federal animal-killing program must restrict its use of bird-killing poisons in Northern California and stop setting strangulation snares and other
Most of us are home-bound these days ~ but we can still learn about how to coexist in harmony with our native Song Dogs. Join Project Coyote Ranching with Wildlife Coordinator Keli Hendricks and other
These are turbulent times. As our main office has been shuttered with the San Francisco Bay area lockdown, we are reminded of what matters: Community. Compassion. Coexistence.
In January and February, some of the largest wildlife killing contests in the nation occurred in Pennsylvania, with at least 27 of these “predator hunts” this winter alone. Annually, tens of thousands of hunters take