
State and federal agents have used traps, snares, denning, fishhooks, dogs, cyanide guns and poison bait for decades, but the coyotes have continued to colonize region after region, state after state. You are witnessing evolution:
Conservation groups and the Trump administration have reached a settlement that will sharply limit where and how federal agencies can kill wolves in Idaho. Filed Wednesday in Idaho federal court, the settlement comes after the
The Mendocino County Board of Supervisors has authorized the Wildlife Ad Hoc Committee, consisting of Supervisors Dan Gjerde and John Haschak, to work with county staff to bring back options for a strictly non-lethal wildlife
I recently returned from a whirlwind trip to Colorado, where we screened our film KILLING GAMES ~ Wildlife In The Crosshairs at the Colorado Environmental Film Festival and at the University of Denver, rallying support
Most Western states rely on hunters to keep cougar numbers in check. It makes a sort of logical sense: if cougar populations are high, attacks on elk, bighorn sheep and deer should be high. So
For a week, Vanessa Prior’s Great Pyrenees named Ruth Bader has had a friend--a black coyote that researchers have been tracking since late December when it was first spotted in Smyrna. It ended up in
DENVER, CO – The Institute for Human-Animal Connection, Sturm College of Law, and DU Media, Film & Journalism Studies, in partnership with Project Coyote, will host Banning Wildlife Killing Contests in Colorado on Wednesday, Feb.
The photographs are disarming: dozens of coyotes, their fur smeared with blood, strewn across the ground while grown men and sometimes children stand over them, proudly grinning from ear to ear. This is a familiar
Washington state wildlife managers are considering eliminating hunting competitions, particularly of coyotes, citing ethical and social concerns. “Sometimes we have to do something for social reasons and this is one of them, in my mind,”
She was first captured in 2017. That October, biologists in Oregon trapped, tranquilized and collared an 83-pound female gray wolf. They hoped to track the endangered animal’s movements, marking the start of a well-chronicled saga
Like a page out of a child’s storybook, a coyote and a badger trot side by side, seemingly the best of friends. The remote camera video clip was captured recently under a busy highway in
We’re excited to announce that Colorado's First Gentleman Marlon Reis will be joining us in Denver, Colorado, on February 26 for a free screening of Project Coyote’s award-winning film KILLING GAMES ~ Wildlife In The