
Victories for wildlife are few and far between. While the Trump Administration is doing everything it can to eviscerate the Endangered Species Act and lay siege to wildlife and wildlands, special interest trophy hunting and
Phoenix, AZ - Today the Governor’s Regulatory Review Council (GRRC) approved a rule banning wildlife killing contests for predatory and furbearing species in Arizona. For months a powerful coalition comprised of concerned citizens and wildlife
As native carnivores, bobcats (Lynx rufus) are an indicator species of ecosystem health. Yet they face growing challenges as their habitat disappears and human impacts increasingly affect their ability to survive. Fortunately, lawmakers and a
Three environmental groups filed a lawsuit Tuesday in federal court seeking to halt part of a controversial government program that kills predators, including coyotes, bears and mountain lions, in ways that the groups allege are
Livestock losses are an unfortunate reality of ranching and the use of traps and snares is a common way to attempt to reduce predator-livestock conflict. However, one USDA study (Shivik et al. 2003) noted that
SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.— The Center for Biological Diversity, Animal Legal Defense Fund and Project Coyote today sued the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services program over its outdated wildlife-killing plan for 10 counties in Northern
The recent killing of more grizzly bears by the Wyoming Game and Fish, a listed endangered species, to protect ranchers in the Upper Green River Allotment on the Bridger Teton National Forest is another shameful
Most Americans are probably unfamiliar with the federal government’s taxpayer-subsidized killing campaign carried out every year against public wildlife on public lands, most of them located in the West. Most are probably unaware that their
The saga of the Mexican Grey Wolf is a story of how politics interferes in the efforts of independent scientists to recover an endangered species. With my guest David Parsons, who formerly led the USFWS
If you see a coyote in Arlington, what should you do? This question and many similar inquiries led to a special discussion inside Arlington Town Hall on July 31, as residents spoke with local experts
Mendocino County’s Predator Control program is under scrutiny, after a group of Wildlife Advocacy Groups sued them for failing to study the ecological impacts of their contract with Wildlife Services, a federal agency that kills
We're so grateful to all of you who have already joined Project Coyote's campaign and purchased our exclusive BORN TO BE WILD & FREE ~ END WILDLIFE KILLING CONTESTS swag! For every item you