
Are you looking for a good reason to replace your PC tower or your laptop? Look no further! Project Coyote is in need of the

I’m excited to head to my father Michael Fox's home state of Minnesota to show our film KILLING GAMES ~ Wildlife In The Crosshairs as part of Wild & Scenic Film Festival On Tour presented
Some people call it barbaric. Others say it’s their right. Coyote killing contests, as they’re called, are a hot topic of debate in Arizona. The contests reward hunters who can kill the most, or the
As part of our Coyote Friendly Communities (CFC) Program, Project Coyote works with communities across North America to promote public awareness and education about safe and effective ways to peacefully coexist with coyotes and other
If you bid on the Train VIP ticket package during our recent 10-Year Anniversary Benefit Auction but lost out, you have another chance to win! The very generous Project Coyote supporter who won the tickets
On a cold, miserable morning in May, Stan Gehrt trod across an open field as wind and rain blew in his face. He was leading a team of wildlife biologists on a mission to find
I’m excited to head to my home state of Maine to show our film KILLING GAMES ~ Wildlife In The Crosshairs with Friends of Merrymeeting Bay.
The Arizona Game and Fish Commission will consider a rule to ban animal killing contests in June. A 30-day public comment period ended May 12 on a move to end contests where cash and prizes
Listen to host Eli Weiss interview Project Coyote Executive Director Camilla Fox for an episode of Our Wild World. Camilla discusses Wildlife in the Crosshairs and Project Coyote's national advocacy efforts to outlaw killing contests
Oregonians of all stripes, including Republicans and Democrats, hunters and non-hunters alike, hold our wildlife in high regard. Our state’s proud hunting tradition is influenced by humane values that are uniquely Oregonian, and are reflected
In mid-December, a hunting contest was held in central Arizona for the 11th year in a row. The team that killed the most coyotes won. The event’s name emphasized the goal: It was called the
Great news out of Oregon! Thanks to your help—as well as that of our colleagues with Predator Defense, Oregon Wild, Audubon Society of Portland, and others—SB 580, a bill to ban cyanide devices (also known