Last night the Albuquerque City Council voted unanimously in support of a resolution condemning coyote killing contests and calling on the New Mexico legislature to pass legislation banning the practice.
When coyote hunting season opened in January on Cape Cod, Powderhorn Outfitters in Hyannis offered a killing incentive to hunters: bag as many coyotes as possible and win a cash prize.
KILLING GAMES ~ Wildlife In The Crosshairs, Project Coyote's campaign documentary exposing the barbaric practice of wildlife killing contests, was selected as Best Short / 1st Place at the upcoming Animal Film Festival taking place
This sprawling mix of swamp and forest is the only place in the world where red wolves live in the wild, and on a breezy afternoon Ron Sutherland set out to find one.
SACRAMENTO, Calif.— Hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in expenses were omitted from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s recent estimate of the cost of running the state’s commercial animal-trapping program, according to
Contrary to the [Albuquerque] Journal editors’ claim that the revised Mexican wolf recovery plan reflects compromise and science, it reflects special interest politics and flawed science.