
Welcome to the Land of Enchantment, where: • If you find a wild animal caught in a trap, you can neither free it nor put it out of its misery. • You can kill as
Protesters gathered in front of The Wayside Bar in Lemmon Valley yesterday to voice their opposition to a coyote hunting contest.
One night a little more than a year ago coyote 02M took off into the dark.
I grew up in Kensington, next to Berkeley, in the 1970s and 80s, and I’ll never forget the first (and in those days, the only) coyote I spotted while hiking a nearby trail in Wildcat
Coyotes are more than an icon of the American West. They are probably your neighbors.
If you live in Central Texas, chances are you have a coyote story to tell. Perhaps you've encountered the native predator on a walk, or looked outside your living room to see one trotting along
After decades of deliberation the final revision of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s (USFWS) Mexican Wolf Recovery Plan (the Plan) was released at the end of November, but former USFWS officials tell EnviroNews it
More and more people are routinely hearing coyotes yip, bark, and howl in their backyards in urban and suburban settings or where they go, often with their companion dogs, for fun and exercise.
Travis County will soon enter into a new era of coyote management. Commissioners decided on Tuesday, Dec. 5, to stop contracting with Texas Wildlife Services, opting instead to use the city of Austin's Animal Services
Understanding how human activities influence immune response to environmental stressors can support biodiversity conservation across increasingly urbanizing landscapes.
The TRUE carnivores of the world provide SO much benefit to our ecosystems, but they’re misunderstood, maligned, and systematically killed, mostly because of the HUMANS who pose as carnivores.