
Double Your Impact ~ Project Coyote Donor Will Match Your Gift Up to $10,000 through Dec. 31, 2017
Giving Tuesday is traditionally a fundraising day for nonprofiits across the globe. We depend upon you—our supporters—to help us stop the abuse and mismanagement of North America's maligned, misunderstood, and persecuted wild carnivores. As a
We are so very thankful for YOU who make our work on behalf of North America’s native carnivores possible!
I’m excited to update you on the journey of KILLING GAMES ~ Wildlife In The Crosshairs as it makes its way along the film festival circuit—and to ask for your support to help us show
The future of the coyotes that roam forests, cities and suburbs from Newfoundland to Virginia could hinge on the animals becoming the "wolves" of the East Coast. And humans better get used to them.
Denver, Colorado – Good news for wild critters and those who love them, as a federal court has temporarily blocked a controversial plan to kill mountain lions (Puma concolor) and black bears (Ursus americanus) on
San Francisco, California — Wildlife Services — from the sound of it, one might think it’s a program that would be supportive or in “service” to wildlife. But environmental and conservation groups say the century-old
In response to a lawsuit filed by wildlife advocacy groups, a San Francisco federal court today approved a settlement requiring the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services to implement numerous protections for wildlife in Northern
The federal agency that controls predators for ranchers and homeowners in 16 Northern California counties agreed Wednesday to do an environmental analysis of the impact of its killing program and implement bans on aerial gunning
Coyote hunts are widespread and popular in Pennsylvania - at least 23 are listed for 2017. The coyotes are shot, weighed and then thrown away, like so much garbage.
If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area, we hope you can join Project Coyote, Marin Humane Society, and Marin Parks on October 24 at the Mill Valley Library for a presentation on coexisting
West Hollywood, CA – Project Coyote and allies will testify tonight before the West Hollywood City Council in support of the city staff’s recommendation to adopt a coyote coexistence plan that emphasizes a humane and