Project Coyote led the charge for hundreds of residents who spoke on the need to coexist with the creatures, from the scientific to the heartfelt. After consideration and discussion, the council went ahead with its
For Immediate Release, February 22, 2017 Idaho Settlement Ensures Notification for Wildlife-killing Contests on BLM Lands Cruel, Unethical Competitions Stopped for Last Two Years BOISE,
Marin wildlife experts have ramped up a fight against the use of rat poison after a coyote found dead in a San Francisco park tested positive for four types of rodenticide.
Love or loathe them, coyotes are a dogged part of the American landscape. Author and historian Dan Flores documents that history in his latest book, “Coyote America: A Natural and Supernatural History.”
There has been overwhelming opposition from Arcadia residents, Project Coyote, and local and national animal welfare groups to the Arcadia City Council’s recent decision to spend $20,000 to begin trapping and killing coyotes.
Coyotes in most states, including ours, are hunted, hounded and killed over bait 365 days a year and at night between January and March, their breeding season. To what end?
ARCADIA, Calif. – In the wake of the City of Arcadia's City Council’s unanimous vote (5-0) on February 7 to trap and kill coyotes, Project Coyote denounced the decision that reverses the city’s long-term approach
Most people are shocked to learn that the practice of indiscriminately killing wildlife as part of a tournament for prizes and “recreational fun” is common and legal right here in the Land of Enchantment.
Most people are shocked to learn that the practice of indiscriminately killing wildlife as part of a tournament for prizes and “recreational fun” is common and legal right here in the Land of Enchantment.
In a month in which environmental activists are lauding federal agency staff people with renewed vigor, one agency is being shut out of the lovefest: the controversial Wildlife Services division of the US Department of