Standing in a West Texas sporting goods store parking lot on a recent Sunday morning, Margaret Lloyd felt like she’d wandered onto the set of a gory movie.
On a cold, clear afternoon in Pelham Bay Park, the tracks were etched in the crusted snow, doglike but more oblong, the claws less prominent and, over all, more compact.
Photographer Pamela Underhill Karaz lives in Trenton Falls, New York, in a rural area. Her own property is 48 acres of forest and field, which means she gets to see her fair share of wildlife
Economic progress and environmental protection should go hand in hand. Many Oregonians, including myself, have built businesses founded on the idea that we do best when we balance growth with sustainability.
Every year on public and private land throughout the country, thousands of animals suffer and die slow deaths after becoming ensnared in leghold traps, considered by some to be one of the cruelest devices ever
John Maguranis from Project Coyote Massachusetts, John’s presentations empower communities with the tools, information and resources they need to coexist with coyotes.
Critics of coyote hunting contests hope to ban the controversial practice in Nevada, insisting it amounts to little more than wanton slaughter of wildlife.
Five conservation groups that contend federal officials in Idaho are violating environmental laws by killing wolves, coyotes and other wildlife to protect livestock and crops have filed a federal lawsuit.
U.S. conservation groups accused the federal Wildlife Services in a lawsuit filed on Wednesday of indiscriminately killing a multitude of wildlife like wolves and mountain lions in Idaho to benefit ranchers and farmers.