
The killing of 11 coyotes in Bakersfield during a weekend hunting contest has infuriated conservationists who are trying to ban animal killing competitions that they say needlessly harm important predator populations in California, including, potentially,
Project Coyote's Executive Director Camilla Fox interviewed by Wild Expectations magazine.

Eleven coyotes were killed in a hunting contest this weekend in a remote area outside Bakersfield, California. The killings are legal, but they’ve outraged conservationists

The killing of 11 coyotes in Bakersfield during a weekend hunting contest has infuriated conservationists who are trying to ban animal killing competitions that they

SALMON, IDAHO — A controversial hunting contest in Idaho that rewards killing the most wolves and other animals on public lands has generated nearly 40,000 comments

SALT LAKE CITY — Utah’s controversial coyote bounty program continues to rack up huge numbers. In a recently released report, the Division of Wildlife Resources

It's no secret that well-trained sheepdogs do a great job of protecting sheep from wolves, coyotes, mountain lions, and other predators.
Some people work all day in cubicles, never seeing the outside world. Some are confined to a drab, windowless office.
Project Coyote's ongoing education and outreach were part of this year's Visions of the Wild Day. Karina Grasso, our Operations Director spent the day answering people's questions about the misunderstood song dog and offering advice
Few Americans have heard of Wildlife Services, a little-known agency of the US Department of Agriculture charged with managing wildlife, largely at the behest of ranchers and agribusiness.
January’s JMK Coyote Hunt near Burns was the last its organizer will put on in Oregon. Duane Freilino, hunt organizer, agreed last month to settle a lawsuit with the Animal Legal Defense Fund and Project
Local Wildlife rehabilitator Monte Merrick's petition criticizing the US Dept of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services has garnered over 77,000 signatures.