
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — October 19, 2022 Counties agree to suspend wildlife-killing contract comply with CEQA and analyze the ecological impacts of widespread slaughter Quincy,

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – OCTOBER 5, 2022 TUCSON, Ariz. – Wildlife advocates expressed mixed feelings about the Mexican Wolf Recovery Plan, Second Revision that was

SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 Heartland Rewilding, a new coalition of environmental groups, launches a series of bold rewilding initiatives throughout the Mississippi River watershed to restore

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 ALBANY, N.Y.— Nearly 40 regional and national conservation groups and leading independent scientists sent a letter today urging

Speak up to let the IDNR know you support prohibiting WKCs in Illinois Every year, Illinois is home to over a dozen cruel and senseless

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – JULY 6, 2022 New partnership provides resources to inform, educate and empower animal control officers and the public about wildlife coexistence

We’re excited to launch new informational resources about coexistence with wildlife as part of an exciting partnership announcement: Project Coyote is teaming up with the National Animal Care & Control Association (NACA)!
Coyotes, foxes, and wolves have been vilified to such an extent that society has been conditioned to believe that carnivores are evil troublemakers, their lives worthless, and that killing them in mass numbers is for
Calls for a ban escalate as controversial hunting contests kill more than 60,000 animals a year. Hunting competitions to kill wild animals such as coyotes, bobcats, raccoons, skunks, and foxes for money and prizes are

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – APRIL 22, 2022 Petition to Enact a Hunting Moratorium Fails Despite Strong Public Support Sacramento, Calif. — The California Fish and

In the midst of catastrophic biodiversity collapse and the climate crisis, Wildlife Services, a federal program within the U.S. Department of Agriculture, killed over 1.76 million animals last year, including more than 400,000 native animals.
Today, the USFWS released a revised Mexican Gray Wolf Recovery Plan that once again fails to adequately address the most immediate threat facing the critical recovery needs of the most imperiled wolf subspecies in the