
Conservation groups are urging the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to provide better federal protection for Mexican gray wolves by listing its look-alike species, the coyote, within the wolves’ recovery area. Illegal wolf killing is
The decision came as part of a lawsuit from environmental groups filed after the deadliest year for Yellowstone wolves since their reintroduction.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — Tuesday, November 29, 2022 Montana’s efforts to kill 40% of the state’s wolf population this winter move forward HELENA, MONTANA—Today, a

Contact the Virginia DWR to let them know you support a ban on wildlife killing contests in the state (deadline Dec. 2nd!) Every year, cruel

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — Thursday, November 16, 2022 Judge issues temporary restraining order, requiring Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks to return to several 2020 regulations

Speak up to let the ODFW Commission know you support banning coyote killing contests in Oregon Every year, cruel and senseless coyote killing contests are

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — Thursday, November 10, 2022 Motion seeks to prevent “irreparable” wolf killing pending ruling on legality of State’s wolf-hunting policies  Helena, MT

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — October 27, 2022 Lawsuit alleges State actors flouted law, relied on outdated, unscientific data Helena, MT —  Conservation groups WildEarth Guardians

Notes From The Field Blog by Renee Seacor, JD, Project Coyote Carnivore Conservation Advocate Successful wildlife conservation and coexistence requires good decision-makers who advocate for

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — October 19, 2022 Counties agree to suspend wildlife-killing contract comply with CEQA and analyze the ecological impacts of widespread slaughter Quincy,

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – OCTOBER 5, 2022 TUCSON, Ariz. – Wildlife advocates expressed mixed feelings about the Mexican Wolf Recovery Plan, Second Revision that was

In my prior blog entry, after introducing myself, I touched on both Euro-North American and Ojibwe worldviews, specifically in relation to wolves. The objective was to highlight how worldviews influence our values and motives, including